Tuesday, May 31, 2011

our conclusion of douglas creek

Conclusion of Douglas creek

Our creek is very healthy it has some tolerant bugs but mostly there are lots of good bugs that we did not identify. We had some stone flies. Our vegetation was thick our shrubs were abundant our grasses and herbs were abundant. Our temperature was 60 degrees. Our shape in cross-section is steep. Our longitudinal pattern was straight. Our bank stability was intact we had some erosion but that might have been from last year and our number of riffles was 0 our number of pools was 0. Our riparian zone. Looking down stream was 0-50% and our right stream looking down stream was 0-50%. Our woody debris was sparse. Our artificial structures. We had none of those we just had a beaver dam. We did a ph test and we got 8.0 we also did a dissolved oxygen test it took 13 drops of sodium sulfate. Our stream was very good over all and our group did a good job on everything except on the macro invertebrates.

site survey 2011

Our vegetation on site 4. The conifer tree population is sparse/nothing. Our deciduous trees are sparse also. The shrubs are abundant/a lot. The grasses and herbs are abundant also. To be more specific we’ve got a lot of rose bushes. So that tell you that we’ve got a lot of grasses and herbs and shrubs. As you can see we don’t have any conifers or deciduous trees and we did not have any protection our bank intact was a check.
Artificial structures. In stream reach we have a for dams and we have a check for litter and garbage.

photo point

Animals in our site

Water Quality

This shows our group testing the water for DO and pH.

Water Quality Graphs