Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Do test

Water Temperature: 20Degrees C.

Numbers of drops: 20 x5= 10

% of Dissolved oxygen: 110

Conclusion of test results:

When DO is over 100% there may be too many plants by the water producing oxygen.

bird prints


Snake hole

Group pic 2

This is the 2nd group picture

Water Temp

I’m going to tell you how cold our water is. The water is above 20of
and 68of.
Our question is how cold will it be next time?

pH discription

The pH levels were 7.5 on all tests. Many things can live here like bactera, plants, carp sucker, catfish and some insects, bass, crappie, snail, clams, and mussels, salmon, trout, mayflies, caddis flies, and stoneflies.

animal evadence 2009

are 2nd group

This is site 4's pH graph. The reason we do the pH test is to see the water quality (to see what can live there).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Group picture

This is site 4 in 2010.

Cody, Jackie, Arturo, Assassin (Miles), and Adysen. (She wasn't at the creek)


This hole we found 1foot from the water we are sraten that it is a snake hole.

Because it is deep like a snake makes and round like a snake we are going to see
if we can find more in site4.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Site Survey

This is a site survey for site 4 in Douglas creek. The people that are in our group are Miles, Cody, Jackie, Arturo and Ady.

First, I will tell you about the riparian zone. The width of the left bank looking down steam is 55ft. The width of the right is 50ft. Next we will tell you about the vegetation the percent of the conifers is 0%. The percent of the deciduous is 10%. And the percent of the shrubs is 75%. The percent of the grass is 75%. The percent of the herbs is75%.

The next I will tell you about the channel. The shape of the channel is flat on the bottom. The longitudinal pattern is braided. The gradient is moderate.

I will tell you about the stream banks. The vegetation cover is abundant. The artificial bank protection is 50% to 75%. Bank stability is the bank intact.

Another thing I will tell you about is the Reach habitat. Numbers of riffles is 4 and the numbers the numbers of pools is 4.
The percent of riffles is 25% and the percent of the pools is 50%. The woody debris is abundant the organic derbies is mordent. Next I will talk to you about along the side of the stream reach we saw a road and rail road bed and a pylon. The net thing is the land uses adjacent to reach there where crops and recreation.